Tag Jackie

south central park

not the south part of central park – but a southern central park. wellington has it’s own dog friendly small urban central park that has just been completed a rehab, so today we all went for a short tramp. gromit…

milford sound to invercargill

day 9 and i went for a milford sound cruise before i meet the jboss and her brother as they come off the milford track. only two places to stay in milford sound – a small motel and a backpacker.…

separated at birth

one of the new features in iphoto ’09 is automatic face detection. if you give it a good starting photo of someone it will then find all the other photos that include that person. cool. since i already manually tag…

catching a break

this week is our first planned vacation since we arrived in new zealand and we decided to spend 2 days skiing on my rapaheau and then 2 days in the resort town of taupo. nice relaxing drive up on wednesday…

city safari

today we participated in the metlink city safari. hard to describe – but combine orienteering, a scavenger hunt and “amazing race” and you’re close. technically it is called a rogaine and in a fixed duration event where you challenged to visit…

pan handling

today was the karori nature sanctuary’s annual street appeal and the jboss was out beggingaccepting contributions. jboss’ review of the day: My two hour stint on the bucket brigade was pretty successful. It’s hard to say how much I collected as…

forging north

in new zealand good friday and easter monday are state holidays so that means a 4 day weekend for everyone. trying to learn from our christmas mistake of not booking early the jboss had planned and booked a trip for…