squeezed and sniffed

quite uneventful trip from saint louis to wellington – although there was one moment when i thought i was in for a treat. i always ask for an aisle seat but there were none available so i was assigned a…
quite uneventful trip from saint louis to wellington – although there was one moment when i thought i was in for a treat. i always ask for an aisle seat but there were none available so i was assigned a…
gromit’s immigration agent strongly suggested that we get his travel crate as soon as possible to begin the acclimation process. lots of rule on the crate including amount of ventilation, sturdiness of closures and size. the crate has to be…
not for jackie or me – but for gromit. after reading the nz emigration forum for almost a year now i don’t think i’ve seen a single person who has hired an immigration agency to help them with their application…
♬ ♪ ♫ welcome to the results show. i know everyone’s been anxious to hear the results. today we’ll hear if gromit is allowed to travel with his family to new zealand. this – is rabies test. <wild cheering> time to meet…
no – we didn’t get an htdv. we’re still hanging on to our 11 year old sony that won’t seem to die. but we could have a nice shinny new hdtv with the money we have spent on the immigration…
probably should have been no surprise, but the process of getting gromit into nz is almost as complicated as it is for us. nz biosecurity and nz maf (ministry of agriculture and forestry) are responsible for regulating the process. the…
woohoo! i checked the nzis site for the bazillionth time this morning and whadya know – our eoi was officially approved (“decision successful”) and we can now expect and ita (invitation to apply) in a few days. amazing timing since…