nz connections

way back in my orange days we needed some specialized skills for a project we were working on. working through connections we found a consultant named andrew watkins who worked out of his home in the uk. i never got…
way back in my orange days we needed some specialized skills for a project we were working on. working through connections we found a consultant named andrew watkins who worked out of his home in the uk. i never got…
jackie pointed out that i missed one of the better details from our adventures. as i mentioned earlier everything in our application need to be an original or a certified copy. a certified copy involves creating a document that says…
accepted – not approved mind you – but still it’s good to get the official letter from nzis confirming that they received the application and that it is complete. the letter updated the overall timeline, unfortunately extending it a bit.…
today marks the 200th day since we made the decision to attempt to immigrate. hopefully the hard work is behind us. selling two houses and moving a dog and our favourite stuff almost 10,000 miles should be easy, right? the…
just dropped off the application at fedex – what a relief. 194 days after we started we finally have the application off to NZIS for review. updated timeline:start: 14-JUL-06, day 1EOI submitted: 31-JUL-06, day 17EOI selected: 02-AUG-06, day 19EOI approved…
yesterday as i am assembling the application i notice that jackie’s doctor has not provided the lab results for her hiv or hepatitis b tests and has not signed any of the other labs. well, doh. strike one for not…
2 major stress points resolved. firstly i mentioned earlier that we had read on the nzis site that they were not requiring full nzqa assessments as part of the application – and our dilemma since we didn’t have one and…
many posting ago i was giving the boston university regiistrar a hard time. well, it’s now time to take it all back. just in case we need to go through the nzqa process i’ve been starting to assemble everything required.…
after the getting the fbi reports on tuesday i started the final pass assembling our application. i was curious about the latest estimate for processing the application so i went to the london office section of nzis site. then i…
huge milestone today – the fbi reports arrived just arrived as we should now have everything we need to complete our application. woo hoo the jboss is on the road this week, so if all goes well we’ll double check…