a new leader for the nation

[ed. new entries below] obama and the us elections are so two days ago – the nz elections are the big news of the day. new zealand grants voting right to permanent residents after their first year, so the jboss…
[ed. new entries below] obama and the us elections are so two days ago – the nz elections are the big news of the day. new zealand grants voting right to permanent residents after their first year, so the jboss…
since we’re 15 to 18 hours ahead of most of the us (i guess we have to acknowledge alaska and hawaii given their role in the current election), the results of the elections started flowing in at 1 in the…
ok, sure, 237 newpapers have already endorsed obama, but a late development that will surely push any remaining undecided voters over the line… … the wellington dominion post has officially endorsed barack obama for president of the united states. Editorial:…
day 58 and i took my first unassisted steps since my accident. just 10 steps today. more tomorrow.
seems someone at the us postal service has forgotten that new zealand is not part of australia. a package recently sent our way was first delivered to sydney australia before then making it on to us in nz. speaking of…
day 50 update. yesterday i went to the fracture clinic for my 7 week check up. x-rays all looked good and per my 20 year old doctor i’m now allow to start gradually bearing weight and should be crutch free…
somewhat overshadowed by the circus in the states, new zealand will be heading to polls on november 8th after a 3 week campaign cycle. here you get 2 votes: one for your local member of parliament and one for a…
spring has sprung. today we went to the botanical gardens to see a bit of the spring festival. the highlight today was the tulips. the 25,000+ tulip garden was established in 1948 as a gift from the netherlands in appreciation…
significant progress since i’ve been back in wellington. last week i had an appointment at the fracture clinic to meet a local orthopedic and have my staples (33!) removed – and today i went to my first physio appointment. i’m…
after a lifetime of advertisements from the personal injury lawyers i was well into making my list of people & organizations that had done me wrong related to my injury – and who *owed* me.– the companies that made the…