20 questions

24 actually. just completed my settlement interview with pascale, my case officer from nzis. it went very well. they start with a few questions to ensure you are who you say you are. might seem silly, but i expect that…
24 actually. just completed my settlement interview with pascale, my case officer from nzis. it went very well. they start with a few questions to ensure you are who you say you are. might seem silly, but i expect that…
i spoke briefly with pascale today and setup my interview for tomorrow morning at 0700. she seemed quite nice and flexible. very optimistic that this step will be easy.
well, i don’t think you could stuff more good news into a single email. today i got an email from miss pascale battrick introducing herself as my case officer (milestone #1) and indicating that “Following an initial assessment it appears…
the nzis london branch (where our application is bring processed) updates a web page from time to time to indicate where they are on the queue. several weeks ago they indicated that as of march 23rd they were allocating applications…
last night larry forwared me an email he received from nzis describing a new program they have set up – the “ICT Skilled Migrant and Employer Link“. the summary is that they are working to connect skilled migrant applicants w/o…
♬ ♪ ♫ welcome to the results show. i know everyone’s been anxious to hear the results. today we’ll hear if gromit is allowed to travel with his family to new zealand. this – is rabies test. <wild cheering> time to meet…
two month update on the nz job search. i’ve been continuing to work with larry on finding a nz job. for the first month larry focused on project management positions. he represented me on about a dozen opportunities. i’m confident…
one month update on the nz job search. larry is doing a great job representing me to the nz market. as expected trying to pitch someone who currently doesn’t have residency, would not be able to start for many weeks…
no – we didn’t get an htdv. we’re still hanging on to our 11 year old sony that won’t seem to die. but we could have a nice shinny new hdtv with the money we have spent on the immigration…
since the nz trip got cancelled (postponed for now i suppose) i took the opportunity to send off our passports and our migrant levy (£210) to nzis. they will affix our visas and we’ll be fully approved – done done…