make that money and *no* guns
in the cbd many of the bank atm’s are located in non-bank storefronts, with the bulk of the atm extending back into the shop. two significant difference to the states – the back of the atms, where they are serviced are not enclosed in a protective room and the guards who service them don’t carry guns. (very few handguns here – the police don’t carry either). one example is at espressoholic – one of my favourite coffee shops. to service the atm the guards enter the shop and do their work right out in the open.
there does seem to be a security system that involves codes being transmitted to a wireless device that one guard is carrying, but i was amused by the satchels that the other guard is carrying with “ALARMED – DON’T TOUCH” written on the sides. don’t think that would work in the states.
contrast this to the recent trend in the us where thieves brazenly are crashing cars/trucks/vans into storefronts and dragging entire atm machines away.

Older Car Foils Burglars In ATM Theft
Burglary Suspects Learn Old Car Doesn’t Have Enough Juice To Drag ATM Machine From Drug Store
KINGSPORT, Tenn., Sep. 26, 2007
(AP) Two Kingsport men learned that an older Honda Accord didn’t have the juice to drag an ATM machine from a drug store in a burglary attempt, police said.
Pablo Ibanez and Keith Tester are accused of breaking a window at a Walgreens pharmacy and trying to use a logging chain to pull the machine outside early Sunday morning.
They were found at their apartment after a witness identified the car used in the unsuccessful attempt.
Police said Ibanez confessed to the crime and also took responsibility for a separate burglary earlier this month. He was charged with two counts of burglary, theft and attempted theft.
Tester was charged with burglary and theft.