spent the day today in nyc talking with the ceo of the auckland based start-up that i spoke with last week – company h. more on that but first a minute on my experience taking the train compared to the flights i’ve had in the past.
the plane:
– $229 + $25 parking
– 45 minutes drive to logan
– 1000 steps from car to plane
– airline staff with a tude
– tsa and the security lines
– ride in a cramped aluminum can
– almost certain delays
– $50 cab fare from the airport to midtown
– now repeat in reverse
now the train
– $185 + $12 parking
– 45 minutes drive to the train station
– gigantic parking garage that bills my parking to my fast lane transponder
– 100 steps from car to train
– walk onto the train in 5 minutes
– no tsa
– on time departure
– walk around on the train, get something at the cafe car
– arrive and walk out of penn station and be on 7th avenue in 5 minutes
– now repeat in reverse
i just don’t get why anyone would take the plane. the train service in the states is usually so crappy that you have to give it it’s due when it works well.

ok – back to my interview. i was a bit curious how i would connect with a 30ish ceo, but he is a great guy, absolutely knows his stuff and how to run his company, but doesn’t have an overblown ego. none of the gen y tude that i got plenty of from some of the orange team.
they have a global partnership with saatchi and saatchi which brings them a lot of business and also gives them office space any where s&s have an office. what a great arrangement for a startup. gives them instant credibility and saves a ton on money.
i also met with another member of company h team who is based in nyc. that conversation was surprisingly technical, but fortunately i think i was solid enough in most of the areas he asked about.
wrapping up the ceo said he thought there was a good match so i expect that this will go to offer. all good.